Coinbase® Extension®

Stay in control of your digital assets with the Coinbase extension. Enjoy enhanced security, real-time data, and intuitive trading tools.

How to Add Crypto to the Coinbase Wallet Browser Extension

  1. Open Coinbase Wallet: Launch the Coinbase Wallet extension on your browser.

  2. Access Wallet: Sign in using your credentials to access your wallet.

  3. Navigate to ‘Receive’: Click on the ‘Receive’ tab to add new crypto.

  4. Select Cryptocurrency: Choose the type of cryptocurrency you want to add to your wallet.

  5. Copy Address: Copy the wallet address or scan the QR code provided.

  6. Initiate Transfer: Go to the platform where you hold the cryptocurrency and initiate a transfer to the copied address.

  7. Confirm and Wait: Confirm the transaction. It may take some time for the transfer to complete.

  8. Check Wallet: Once the transfer is confirmed, you should see the added cryptocurrency in your Coinbase Wallet.

By following these steps, you can easily add any supported cryptocurrency to your Coinbase Wallet browser extension.

Last updated